
Star Wars - The Last Jedi Comic Gives Us Luke's Final Thoughts - The Force.Net

As Marvel's Star Wars - The Last Jedi six-part series comes to an end, writer Gary Whitta gives us Luke Skywalker's final thoughts before becoming one with the Force.

from TheForce.Net https://ift.tt/2OMmOBF


Solo: A Star Wars Story Novelization – Review - The Star Wars Report

It’s been a good year for Star Wars books. Most Wanted, Thrawn: Alliances, and The Mighty Chewbacca and the Forest of Fear are just a few examples of the good stories that have been released. This month Del Rey released the novelization of Solo and, like they did with The Last Jedi, it’s an “Expanded […]

from The Star Wars Report https://ift.tt/2NsyewP

The Last Jedi Movie Poster Coin Now Available - Rebelscum.com

The eighth movie poster coin from New Zealand Mint is pure silver! from Rebelscum.com https://ift.tt/3cglhPa via IFTTT