
Who’s The Girl- TWL #319 - The Star Wars Report

We discuss the character of Rey and her journey through The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and offer some thoughts as to what might be next for our amazing new heroine in Episode IX! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! Email:         WampasLairPodcast@gmail.com […]

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2CYD2me

Who’s The Girl- TWL #319 - The Star Wars Report

We discuss the character of Rey and her journey through The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and offer some thoughts as to what might be next for our amazing new heroine in Episode IX! The Wampa's Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! Email:         WampasLairPodcast@gmail.com Facebook:  facebook.com/WampasLairPodcast Twitter:      twitter.com/WampasLair iTunes:       WampasLairPodcast/itunes RSS FEED:   feeds.feedburner.com/wampaslair

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2CYD2me


Obi Wan in Episode 9? – SWR #366 - The Star Wars Report

Obi-Wan in Ep. 9 - Full Details on Rise of the Resistance, and following up on  TLF look back! The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! You can show your support of The Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/starwarsreport Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content for our patron supporters! Thanks to our patrons!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ewan McGregor to return as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars sequel trilogy finale https://buff.ly/2HBewNG The Rumor Queue: Full details on the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance ride coming to Disney parks http://bit.ly/2QNsP1d Disneyland to rely on low-tech fixes for this summer’s Stars Wars congestion (LA Times)  Boba’s Bounty Next week Edited by Riley Blanton Download the mp3 HERE!: (Right-click and “save as”) Also, for exclusive updates and content, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list! Email from Nate: Riley, Okay hear me out, in the last episode you guys were doing your Last Jedi review you talked about or questioned why Star Destroyers wouldn't just drop in over Hoth and referenced Jedah. 1) Few of the Star Destroyers were capable of low atmospheric insertion. there are a few old Canon references for why they would or wouldn't. We may have been seeing one of the older victory-class Star Destroyers over Jedah. They were lighter and much more capable of low atmospheric entry. That planet could also have a lower gravity permitting an easier escape velocity then let's say perhaps Hoth. I certainly do not think Vader's Super Star Destroyer would have been capable of low atmospheric hovering so to speak. 2) from a strategic standpoint in ESB particularly, they called out the fact that they had planetary shields and could withstand bombardment hence why they had to perform a ground insertion into a direct assault to disable those shields. 3) to top that off the rebels also had a defense mechanism that would have caused it to rain Star Destroyers from the sky. If those capital ships had been models capable of low orbital/atmospheric insertion, shots from the ion cannon would have caused them to crash into the planet surface were they low enough to be inside the gravity well of the planet. assuming that it wasn't just imperial ground forces wanting to get some slice of the glory under General Veers we may possibly postulate that naval doctrine considered it too great of a risk very expensive capital ships for them to typically perform that kind of maneuver. Jedah was not contested territory with the exception of very small rebel forces on the ground. even taking out a few repulsors on a ship that scale with that much mass may have been enough to bring it crashing to the ground and therefore too much of a risk. Just my thoughts on the topic, who's to say the Imperial Navy wasn't often more reckless and dove in head-first with sub-orbital bombardment. my guess is that higher orbit bombardment was probably yes a more regular thing. given the toxic command climate of the imperial Navy I would gather most of them probably stuck pretty close to the book, in order to avoid suffering fatal office hours at the hands of Lord Vader or other imperial commanders. I really enjoy your podcast, the whole SWR team puts a lot of good thought and solid work into your product.  keep up the good work. Honestly, your episode about the court-martial of Poe Dameron played a part in my decision to start a vet-lead military sci-fi discussion podcast with bunch of my friends.we are still struggling with things like audio levels and editing, so our current episodes don't sound all that great, but maybe once we figure it all out we could have you on for a discussion if you ever care to join us. Semper Fi, Nate Pulse Rifles & Plasma Grenades Podcast

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2Hwyg54

Hot Toys Photo Archive: MMS438 Kylo Ren - Rebelscum.com

We've updated the Hot Toys section of our photo archive with The Last Jedi MMS438 Kylo Ren 1/6 scale collectible figure. Click the link above to have a closer look at this spectacular figure!

from Rebelscum.com http://bit.ly/2Hzq8Rt


Footage of Leia in Episode IX – SWR #365 - The Star Wars Report

There are several minutes of unused footage of Leia to be used in Episode IX. Bruce Gibson is joined by Scott Ryfun to discuss Carrie Fisher's brother's comments about the footage of his sister for Episode IX, Adam Driver has known for six years where Kylo Ren is going, EA games canceled another Star Wars game, and Star Wars: Tie-Fighter coming to Marvel Comics. The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! You can show your support of The Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/starwarsreport Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content for our patron supporters! Thanks to our patrons!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Todd Fisher pleased with footage of Carrie in Episode IX From an article on Good Morning America’s website in December: Carrie Fisher will make one final appearance as Leia Organa in the ninth episode of the “Star Wars” Skywalker saga, opening in December 2019. Todd Fisher says director J.J. Abrams has shared plans to incorporate several minutes of unused footage of his sister, originally shot for “The Force Awakens” and “The Last Jedi” into the still-untitled film. “There’s a lot of minutes of footage. I don’t mean just outtakes,” Todd Fisher said. “This is unused, new content that could be woven into the storyline. That’s what’s going to give everybody such a great kick. It’s going to look like it was meant to be. Like it was shot yesterday.” “We’re not allowed to talk about the details of anything,” he added. “But we’re thrilled at what’s been done.”   Adam Driver has a piece of information where things are going (deadline.com) “It’s been my second time doing something where it’s lasted six years. I think with Star Wars, it’s six years this year that I’ve known about it or been working on it. I had this experience once with Girls, where it was six or seven years from the moment we shot the pilot to the very last thing. Since I’ve been working, it’s what I’ve been used to, in a way, where you do your other things, and then you go back to see your friends. It’s always good to go back to those groups. “With Girls, there wasn’t really an end in sight, so it was fun to develop it as I went, and to think about where it was all going. With Star Wars, I had one piece of information of where it was all going, and that’s where it has been in my head for a long time, and things were building towards that. It feels very theatrical, if anything. Because in the plays that I’ve done, a six-month run, on the very last day, you finally feel like, “Oh, now I have a better understanding of what it is that I want to do. I wish we could do this all over again.” Working on a play, the questions you can ask yourself are infinite, and that’s what’s torturous about film sometimes – you only have one shot to get it right. And you can do a lot of takes, but we’re not all going to get back together again and do this. But for something you’re doing for six years, you still have a chance to go back and make something a little bit more articulated.”   EA Games is biting the dust? (comicbook.com) “Earlier in the week, news broke that yet another Star Wars game has bit the dust and the reaction to EA's cancellation immediately stirred up community ire among gamers. While EA issued a weirdly evasive statement to the recent reports, Rogue One writer Gary Whitta didn't mince words when he ripped the publisher a new one. Whitta recently sat down with Kinda Funny Games to talk about a variety of topics -- including that of the cancelled Star Wars title. When asked about his thoughts on the matter, Whitta responded “It has been catastrophically mismanaged. If I were Disney, I’d be fucking furious. I saw a bunch of that game, and it looked terrific. It would have been Star Wars Uncharted.” Kotaku's Jason Schreier was the one to break the news of possible ca...

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2AUILcK


Revisiting The Last Jedi – Part Three – SWR #363 - The Star Wars Report

Riley and Bruce revisit The Last Jedi on its one-year anniversary. The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! You can show your support of The Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/starwarsreport Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content for our patron supporters! Thanks to our patrons!  Download […]

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2AJWymm

Revisiting The Last Jedi – Part Three – SWR #363 - The Star Wars Report

Riley and Bruce revisit The Last Jedi on its one-year anniversary. The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! You can show your support of The Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/starwarsreport Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content for our patron supporters! Thanks to our patrons!  Download the mp3 HERE!: (Right-click and “save as”) Also, for exclusive updates and content, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list! Email: starwarsreport@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/starwarsreport Twitter: twitter.com/starwarsreport iTunes: starwarsreport.com/itunes RSS FEED: feeds.feedburner.com/starwarsreport_podcast

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2AJWymm


Revisiting The Last Jedi – Part Two – SWR #362 - The Star Wars Report

Riley and Bruce revisit The Last Jedi on its one-year anniversary. The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! You can show your support of The Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/starwarsreport Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content for our patron supporters! Thanks to our patrons!  Download […]

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2VwPSRv

Revisiting The Last Jedi – Part Two – SWR #362 - The Star Wars Report

Riley and Bruce revisit The Last Jedi on its one-year anniversary. The Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review! You can show your support of The Star Wars Report podcast by becoming a Patron at www.patreon.com/starwarsreport Get all kinds of exclusive bonus content for our patron supporters! Thanks to our patrons!  Download the mp3 HERE!: (Right-click and “save as”) Also, for exclusive updates and content, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list! Email: starwarsreport@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/starwarsreport Twitter: twitter.com/starwarsreport iTunes: starwarsreport.com/itunes RSS FEED: feeds.feedburner.com/starwarsreport_podcast

from The Star Wars Report http://bit.ly/2VwPSRv

The Last Jedi Movie Poster Coin Now Available - Rebelscum.com

The eighth movie poster coin from New Zealand Mint is pure silver! from Rebelscum.com https://ift.tt/3cglhPa via IFTTT